Get User Account Specific Properties

Get User Account Specific Properties

Use this script for Migrations and on-premises Active Directory maintenance. Check a user account, as read from a list of accounts, for several attribute properties. These attributes are usually checked during a migration to a cloud provider, but they can be...
Get User Account Specific Properties

Modify the O365 Mailbox Calendar Sharing

Modify the O365 Mailbox Calendar sharing for a single individual or the entire organization. Very handy to allow everyone to see a single calendar or everyone’s calendar. Technical Details The provided script performs the following tasks: Retrieves a list of user...
Get User Account Specific Properties

Move Users to New Group for Licensing

Use this script to check user group and move user to new group. The typical use case is: when you want to assign licensing based on group without assigning it dynamically. Technical Details This PowerShell script performs the following actions: It retrieves the...